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School of the Fighting Arts
By Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard 8th Degree Black Belt





Martial Arts is not a religion

     Why do so many instructors treat martial arts like a religion? Does it come from the history of the Shaolin Temple, but I am not Buddhist. So why should I treat the martial arts like a religion. Yes there should be a moral code of ethics or rules of conduct, but the martial arts was originally designed to defend one’s self, family, and country.

     There are thousands of martial arts styles around the world, and they all have something to offer, with there on identities and cultures. Most of the martial arts are influenced from the Asian cultures. But the question is why so many instructors treat martial arts like a religion.

     In the United States there is mixed feelings on how an instructor should be paid for their time. There are many who teach for free or teach to cheaply. I have invested so much time and money for my training, and I will not give my training away for free.

     I look at martial arts as a business to help people with their self defense goals, and I do not feel guilty about charging. The way I look at it, if someone really values something, one will find a way to make it happen no matter the economy. Teaching martial arts for free devalues the martial arts and it’s not appreciated.

     When someone pays for something, one will treat it differently with a vested interest. But when someone receives something for free it does not matter as much, take it or leave it.

     There are so many other activities that charge such as gymnastics, tumbling, soccer etc. and no one questions being charged. But when someone wants to train in the martial arts, people will question the cost. This is due to so many instructors treating martial arts like a religion, and feeling it is wrong to charge too much or even being free.

     In conclusion I have invested thousands of dollars to find the best martial arts teachers out there. It cost money for travels, hosting seminars and attending seminars, overhead of a building and so much more. I value the martial arts like gold, and I enjoy helping others. 

      There are so many martial arts schools shutting their doors every year, due to the lack of income because of this mind set of treating martial arts like a religion.






The Mystic of the Martial Arts


     The mystic of the martial artist was the strongest during the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.  The Martial Art movies starring Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris, Jackie Chan, and many others are the reason people went into the martial arts. The Asian culture was also looked upon as mysterious and appearing to have superhuman strength.

     When the UFC started in the early 90’s changed everything, the mystic of the martial arts was gone. Many styles fought against each other, soon realizing that one’s training is decided by action, not by mystic and tradition. The today’s martial artist must be well rounded in their training to be successful.

     In earlier decades the Asians dominated, and know that has changed. The non-martial artist still sees the martial arts as becoming superhuman. But when people start training they soon realize it takes years of dedication to become good.

     It will take most people about a year of regular training to able to defend themselves in a ordinary situation. But then there are the unordinary situations which will require even more years of training. The martial arts takes time and dedication, and only the few will truly see what martial arts is really all about?

     When someone makes a decision to train in the martial arts, a person needs to keep an open mind. Look for the style that best fits one’s personality, and for something that can be used for the rest of one’s life.



Respect of one’s Martial Arts teachers past and present

     One thing about teaching others has its awards and problems. I enjoy helping people reach their goals in the martial arts. I can only show the student what to do, but the student must give the effort through consistency and dedication.  

     One thing I have experienced is when a student starts to become better trained; they start to feel they no longer need my instruction. I am the type of instructor who wants a student to learn everything they can and to become a well rounded martial artist.

     I have promoted around 22 students to Black Belt, and most of the Black Belts left in a negative way. Why, their egos start getting in the way, becoming impatient, over analyzing too much, and wanting to learn advance training when they’re not ready.

     I am an open minded martial artist and I am always learning and evolving. I never want any of my students to think my way is the only way, but to keep an open mind. Even when the years have passed I still respect all of my teachers.

     My teachers past and present have given me something which helped me where I am today. Each of my teachers has a certain specialty I have learned. No one style has all of the answers; there is always something one can learn.

     If students who train with me feel they are not receiving anything from my training, just leave and never come back. I know my type of training takes time and I know I cannot keep everyone happy, so I am not going to try.

      In conclusion one should always respect each other as fellow martial artist, even if one does not agree with each other’s training. One final thing to remember, respect is earned, not demanded. 


The 5 second rule

     When dealing with someone in a real fighting situation it should not take any longer than 5 seconds. So many martial arts schools focus too much on sport martial arts and being in great shape, and not enough on real fighting. In today’s world no one fights fair, and a person should train the way they will fight.

     The training of the RMA programs focus on getting the situation done within 5 seconds or less, not brawling or locking up with someone. The longer a fight lasts, higher the risk. Do not play the game of your opponent, do what you’re trained to do and get it done.

     The RMA programs that we teach are based on battlefield and urban proven fighting styles. RMA programs consist of the Filipino Martial Arts and Tactical based training.  Ones training should be as versatile as possible from stand up fighting to ground fighting, from weapons training of all kinds, including firearms.





  Owner/Master Instructor

 Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard

8th Degree Black Belt

 (Please answer all questions on the Contact Us page before calling) 





























 Webmaster: Terry Pollard