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School of the Fighting Arts
RMA - Instructor Training

 Instructor Certification courses





The purpose for this training:

To help Instructors that have Martial Art schools or clubs already with additional certification.  You pick a certification that best fits you, something that your school may not teach. If you are an Instructor that has never had a school and would like to start one, this can be a stepping stone.

 One advantage of this training:

You will have a National Martial Art organization to back you, to give you references. Lead by Terry Pollard 8th Degree Black Belt.You may be someone that has the training, but not the certification, RMA can help you make that happen.

Requirements after completing certification:

Instructors must maintain a active teaching status, and continuing ones training of choice to stay an active member.


Instructional DVD's on sale for some: Others will be added by request

Certification Choices:

  • Grappling/Ju jitsu
  • Close Quarter Combat
  • (Single and Double) Stick/Baton
  • Knife Combatives
  • Filipino Martial Arts Fundementals
  • RMA Tactical






  Owner/Master Instructor

 Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard

8th Degree Black Belt

 (Please answer all questions on the Contact Us page before calling) 





























 Webmaster: Terry Pollard