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School of the Fighting Arts
Filipino Martial Arts
Teen/Adults only








 This program covers the ranges of combat; projectile, weapons, kicking, punching, trapping, and grappling. Studies and training will include history, principles, and real world combat; body movements, footwork, numbering systems, vital target drills, single stick, double stick, knife, sword, and various weapon combinations. Exotic weapons such as horse whip, bull whip, bandanna, balisong and sarong will also be explored.  





Lapu Lapu Statue










Pambuan Arnis

Pamana Ni Lo Lo Seminar Orlando, Florida - March 12-13, 2016


Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan Seminar Atlanta, GA - January 19th, 2013


 Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan Seminar - Ringgold,GA. - 04/28/12

 5th Annual Pamana Ni LoLo Seminar - 03/12-13/2011



Late LoLo Guro Isidro Pambuan & Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan



    Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan & Ama Guro Mike Sayoc                    Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan & Guro Terry Pollard  - March 2008



3rd Annual Pamana Ni Lolo Seminar - March 2008



 Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan Demonstrating the HorseWhip at a Stick Grappling Seminar.

 2/10/06 Atlanta, GA


                  Espada & Daga Seminar 2/25/06                            Ama Guro Raffy Pambuan & Guro Terry Pollard with students

                                              Pambuan Arnis seminar 07/29/06




Ama Guro Mike Sayoc Seminar August 30th, 2003

taught by Guro Terry Pollard





           Guro Terry Pollard with Ama Guro Mike Sayoc



Late Grand Master Baltizar Sayoc (right) with Master Fred Ocampo






About Arnis de Mano ::

Arnis de Mano (pronounced "ahr-nees dee man-o") is the contemporary name of the Filipino martial arts systems that come from the northern Philippine island of Luzon.

The basic meaning of Arnís de Mano is "armor of hands". By this, it is referring to the functional use of weapons and empty hands for self-preservation and protection. In the central and southern islands of the
Philippines, the arts are more commonly known as "Escrima" or "Kali". Escrima is the Spanish word for "fencing" or "dueling with swords". Kali has appeared to have multiple definitions, but all seem to refer to the practice of "ancient metaphysical powers" in addition to the practice of weapon skills.

There are actually hundreds of unique styles and variants of these arts throughout the
Philippines, especially when regional dialects and personal innovations are considered. However, despite the controversies behind the origins of systems and styles of Filipino martial arts, it remains that the "Arnís", "Escrima", and "Kali" are overall the most commonly used names for the indigenous Philippine fighting arts today. The Filipino Martial Arts (FMA) is the only martial art that starts as a weapons art an advances to empty hand. The Filipino Martial Art utilizes a rattan stick or baston (20 to 30 ins.) in a single or double stick configuration (develops the left hand as well as the right), the stick/sword and dagger (Espada y Daga), the dagger and empty (live hand), as well as numerous other weapons.

FMA encompasses 12 to 24 basic striking patterns with as equal number of blocks or counter. Multiple strikes as well as blocks transitioning into strikes can take place in less than a second. Disarm techniques, grappling techniques, kicks, elbow strikes, and knee strikes are also utilized.

A well-trained Filipino martial artist can use any weapons that are available, since the striking patterns are the same regardless of the weapon. You need only make adjustments for the weight and length of the weapon. The weapon is viewed as an extension of the hand and therefore any good practitioner is just as effective with the empty hand as with a weapon.

Arnis de Mano History ::

The Philippine Archipelago comprises 7100 islands and inlets. The total area of the country, including inland waters, is approximately 115,600 miles. There are 11 large islands: Luzon, Mindanao, Samar, Negros, Palawan, Panay, Mindoro, Leyte, Cebu, Bohol and Masbate. The island nation is in the Western Pacific and has a population of almost 70 million people with more than 70 dialects spoken. The races, which settled in the many islands, came from India, China, Indonesia and Southeast Asia.

The art of Kali in the Philippines dates back to the 8th century A.D. according to records from the Malay Sri-Vishayan Empire, and is considered the mother of Filipino Martial Arts. Historians state that the Ten Datus of Borneo brought their fighting methods to the island of Panay, where basic reading, writing and Kali were taught to children in a school called bothoan. Kali is an ancient Malayan word, which implies a large bladed weapon longer than a knife. Kali was most likely derived from tjakalele, which is a form of native fencing in Indonesia.

In March of 1521, Portuguese Explorer Ferdinand Magellan persuaded the Chief of Cebu to declare loyalty to Spain. On April 27, 1521, Magellan sailed to Mactan Island in an attempt to claim it for Spain; however, Chief Lapu-Lapu (a Kali practitioner) raised an army and defeated Magellan's invaders. Magellan's chronicler and historian, Pigafetta, recorded that it was Lapu-Lapu who felled the great Spanish warrior Magellan with a bladed weapon. Upon hearing of Chief Lapu-Lapu's success, the Chief of Cebu mounted an attack on the remaining Spaniards and drove them from Cebu. From this date until 1564, many unsuccessful attempts were made by the Spaniards to establish themselves in the country.

Early in 1564, Miguel Lopez de Legaspi landed at Cebu and was cordially welcomed by the native chief Tupas and his warriors. The Filipinos wined and dined the Spanish visitors and put on a show demonstrating their skill in Kali (Arnis). Legaspi was so impressed with the Filipinos skill in Kali that he befriended them fully and eventually founded the first Spanish settlement, which was called San Miguel. The Spanish then began a 400-year occupation of the islands, and in 1596 they began discouraging the study of Kali before finally banning it in 1764 along with Escrima (meaning "skirmish", which the Spanish dubbed the Filipinos' stick fighting) to suppress opposition. The Filipinos were able to hide their art and preserve it in secret, by disguising it and blending it into their native dances and folk plays.

In 1637, the friars introduced the Moro-Moro, a socio-religious play dramatizing the triumph of the Christian Spaniards over the Muslim Moors of Granada, Spain. The play called for the use of fighting techniques using a sword, allowing the Filipinos to continue practicing their art. The plays were performed by Filipinos, sometimes playing Spanish soldiers wearing arnes (harnesses worn over the hands and forearms by the Spaniards as armor during medieval times). The word arnes was eventually corrupted into arnis, and the name stuck. Though originally called Arnis de Mano, or harness of the hand, it was later simply called Arnis. Over time, Arnis incorporated Spanish fencing methods, which were blended with the native art.In 1853, the word Kali was completely replaced by Arnis; however, some regions in the Philippines retained the word Kali in their vocabulary for this art.

Philippine tribes north & south



Igorot is a Tagalog word for "mountain people" and denotes the inhabitants of the mountains of central Luzon. Among the 800,000 Igorots, there are seven major peoples: Apayao, Tinggian, Kalinga, Bontoc, Ifugao, Kankanai, and Ibaloi. Like the word Moro, Igorot had a derogatory connotation implying backwardness and cultural inferiority. It has become a source of pride to its members - designating an identity distinct from Filipino. Unlike most of the Philippines which were ruled by Spaniards for about four hundred years, the Cordillera region was generally unfazed by Spanish colonization. The Igorot tribes are held together by their common socio-cultural traits as well as their geographic proximity to each other. During pre-Christian Cordillera (and to some extent, the present), the seven different tribes shared similar religious beliefs, generally nature-related, and they make propitiary offerings to "anitos" (spirits) as well as to household gods.




Moro is a latin word for "malayan tribe muslim". In Malaya or Southern Philippines, there were the moro warriors that was much like the samurai warriors of old Japan. By the thirteenth century, Arab merchants were trading with the inhabitants of Sulu, an archipelago in the the southern Philippines. These merchants also introduced Islam to the Philippines, and by the late fifteenth century, the influence of Islam stretched from the southern region of Mindanao to as far north as Manila. In the days when war was waged at close quarters, the moros were among the greatest swordsmen that the world has known. The combative prowess of the moro warriors was fueled with a volatile elixir of religious piety, fearlessness, tenacity, and patriotism, making them unconquerable for nearly four hundred years. Muslim groups in the southern Philippines were able to stave off Spanish conquest, thus preserving a lifestyle that reflects Arab and Indo-Malaysian influences.

Weapons of the Philippines ::



The kampilan is the weapon most favored by the warriors of Mindanao. This large single edged blade is most considerably noted for its fearsome look and at total lengths ranging up to 40 inches it is the largest Moro sword.




The kris is undoubtedly the most famous of Moro weapons. Variations can be found in every Moro tribe. Besides being a blindingly agile blade it was also a key symbol of a man's status/rank in society, as well as often bearing strong talismanic properties as an anting-anting (talisman/amulet). The kris was a key part to the everyday wear of a man's dress, which often conflicted with later attempts by colonial invaders to disarm Moro society and led to many unfortunate conflicts.




The barong is the favored weapon of the people of the Sultunate of Sulu. This generally single edged, leaf shaped blade is an amazingly effective slicer and has been known to have the ability to cleave a man in two. The blade tends to be thick and heavy with the weight aiding in the slicing capability of this sword.





Little has been written about the gunong. Gunongs are often considered to be the dagger version of the Moro kris. With blades that often bare strong resemblance to their larger Moro Kris sword relatives. While many gunong blades are found as double edged either straight or wavy, there also exist gunong blade variants that are single edged, often with more crescent like blade shapes.


The Panabas (also known as Tabas) is a chopping weapon favored by the moros of Mindanao. Panabases range in size from 2 to 4 feet. While probably originally an agricultural tool, this weapon soon gained its place as a weapon of war similar to the western battle axe. This wicked weapon can deliver horrible cleaver like blows, and was sometimes used as an execution weapon. It is sometimes said that the warriors wielding the panabas would follow the main group of warriors, summarily mopping up any survivors of the first wave of attack. The panabas blade is often features damascene patterning. On the spines of some panabas one will find decorative file work. Panabas hilts were often wrapped in rattan bindings, though some featured no wrap.


Other weapons:

Igorot Axe


Ilokano and Tagalog Bolo Knife


Balisong or Butterfly Knife originated on modern times in the Philippines



Arnis-Kali-Escrima Sticks are mostly used for

practicing rather than using real blades 


Offense and Defense Set


Typical Moro Army Uniforms









  Owner/Master Instructor

 Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard

8th Degree Black Belt

 (Please answer all questions on the Contact Us page before calling) 





























 Webmaster: Terry Pollard