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School of the Fighting Arts
Chinese Martial Arts
Teen/Adults only


Hakka Kuen Kung Fu

     Hakka Kuen/Hakka Fist (客家拳) is a general term describing a variety of Chinese martial arts originating from the Hakka community of Southern China and is considered to be an important style within Southern Chinese Martial Arts.

      Southern Praying Mantis, Bak Mei and Dragon Kung Fu are examples of styles practised by the Hakkas. The Hakka heartland is located in the inland part of Guangdong Province east of the Pearl River Delta.









Southern Shaolin Systems:

Bak Mei/Pak Mei (white eyebrow) is more of a advnaced form of training, sinking the body for close range punching and internal power with the Fa Jing (explosive energy), also known for the Phoenix eye punch for pin point striking.

Wing Chun ( beautiful spring time) is known for covering the body structure, for close range fighting, always moving forward never retreating, only adjust to ones opponent. Also known for defending and attacking the center line all at the same time.

Chin Na (seize and control) is known for its joint lock control, throws and striking, similar to Ju Jitsu and Judo. Chin Na is also known for its pressure point striking and internal power.

Southern Praying mantis (The Hakka “Praying Mantis”) style of fighting is completely unrelated to the Northern Praying Mantis style. In terms of history and techniques, the Southern Praying Mantis is more closely associated with fellow Hakka styles such as the Dragon (龍形拳)"Lung Ying Kuen or Bak Mei.

Dragon style is an imitative-style that was developed based on the imagined characteristics of the mythical Chinese dragon. There are five Animals of Shaolin Boxing; the other four styles are Tiger, Crane, Leopard, and Snake.


Northern Shaolin Systems:

Tang Lang Quan (Praying Mantis) is known for its stand up grappling with hooking and grabbing while defending the center line and counter attacking at the same time.

Long Fist which is under many Kung Fu styles of Northern China, known for its deep stances and long range movements.

Tai Chi Chuan (great ultimate fist) is known for its slow and flowing movements, while breathing is key to the system and the internal power. Self Defense is within the system, but takes longer to learn than most systems.



                                        My first Kung Fu teacher

                                     Late Dai Sifu Dr. Y.Q. Wong

                                Bak Mei (White eyebrow) Kung Fu

                                    He will be greatly missed



                      Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard training in Bak Mei

                       Kung Fu with Dai Sifu Dr. Wong in the 1980's...





We do not practice or promote Buddism, Taoism or Zen or anything of that nature, the history below is for historical purposes only.


Shaolin monks In action video:]




The earliest traces of hand-to-hand fighting appeared 1600 years ago in the 6th century when an Indian monk, Bodhidharma (Daruma in Japanese, Ta-Mo in Chinese) trekked across the Himilayas to China (he is also known as the founder of Zen Buddhism).


Bodhidharma discovered that the traditional ascetic life in the monasteries left the monks in a weakened condition. He decided to strengthen their bodies as well as their souls by teaching them physical exercises as well as breathing techniques (called Ta-ch'uan). The results of these exercises were extraordinary and Bodhidharma began teaching at the Shaolin monastery in the province of Honan in northern China. There he continued to develop and teach Zen Buddhism and stressed that one could not become spiritually strong if one was physically weak.

Over the years the monks refined the older methods which relied on brute strength for success and developed fast, efficient movements that required a minimum amount of effort.

Shaolin is not only recognised for it's fighting techniques, but it is also remembered for making the connection between fighting and Buddhism. Up until then fighting methods were studied only to defeat an enemy. Since the Shaolin fighters were mostly Buddhist monks and nuns, they did not learn fighting in order to fight. They studied fighting as meditation, worked on perfecting painting and calligraphy and read the classics, all in order to seek perfection of character. Their ultimate aim was Enlightenment and the fighting exercies were an integral part of their quest. Fighting was not for fighting, but for a higher purpose, and because of this ideal Chinese fighting practice developed into an art form - Martial Arts.

When the monks found it necessary to defend themselves, a moral code was followed. As Buddhists, loyalty, respect, honesty, unselfishness and gentleness were important to them. One was not to fight indiscriminately or out of pride or ego. Fighting was for self-defense purposes only - to protect one's self or others. Soon these ideas and methods of training spread beyond the forests of Honan (Shaolin means "young forest"). The monks traveled throughout China and taught the Chinese how to defend themselves against bandits. But, many of the techniques remained secret and were only taught to those deemed worthy.





  Owner/Master Instructor

 Shihan/Guro Terry Pollard

8th Degree Black Belt

 (Please answer all questions on the Contact Us page before calling) 





























 Webmaster: Terry Pollard